John 19:25-27

 “Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman,[b] here is your son,” 27 and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.”

When we think about Mother’s day, very rarely do we stop and think about the mother of our Lord.  What an amazing woman of God she truly was. Handpicked by God, Mary was chosen to carry the son of God, Jesus, in her womb; literally the hand of God touching Mary, thus becoming pregnant through Immaculate Conception.  The only word that comes to my mind is, “Wow!”

Without giving much thought at all, knowing especially in the time in which Mary was living, how difficult this was going to be, and how this would be seen in the eyes of her piers; once she understood what was happening and being asked of her, she immediately accepted.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, the son of the living and most Holy God; I cannot imagine what it must have been like being the mother of Jesus.  I’m sure she marveled at His abilities and how quickly He learned.  I’m sure she looked on with amazement of His compassion and how deeply He loved.  But you know, even though He was perfect and He was God in the flesh, He was still a man and there were things He did learn and were taught.  It was from His mother that Jesus learned to love others in ways that He did.  Mary did far more than just give birth to our Lord; she nurtured Him and helped teach Him.

I think about their relationship and how close Jesus was to her.  Can you imagine being a mother and having to watch your son be beaten and crucified in the manner in which Jesus was? 

While in agonizing pain, hanging on the cross, Jesus looked down and made sure that after He was gone, she would be taken care of, referenced in John 19:25-27.  They loved one another very much.

It is really incredible to think about how vital of a role a mother plays in the life of her children.  Words like AMazing, lOving, Teacher, Healer, SElfless and GRaceful, (Mother), are just a few words that come to mind that describe who a mother really is.

You may not have your mother this Mother’s Day.  This may be the first Mother’s Day you are spending without her.  No matter how old we are, we never forget the impact our Mom’s have had in our lives.

I am fortunate enough to still have my Mom with me.  I cannot imagine going through my life without her.  She definitely hits all the points listed above, “Amazing, loving, a teacher, selfless and graceful.  I bet your mom does as well.

Our mother’s have been there for us in the triumphs of life and in the valleys of life.  No matter what, your Mom has always been there for you.  I know mine has certainly been there for me.  I’ll be 53 this year and I still find great comfort hearing her voice of encouragement and reassurance.

Mom, thank you for always being there for me and our family.  There are so many things I am thankful for when it comes to our relationship, but if I had to name one thing that you did for me that has meant the most; it would be how faithful you have been, all of my life, to be the example of how to live for Christ.  There is nothing greater that a Mother can do for her children and family.  Thank you!

So if you are fortunate enough to still have your Mom, do not let the sun rest on this day before you wrap your arms around her and tell her how much you love her and appreciate her.  If you are married and have children, tell your wife how much you love her and appreciate her today.  If none of those scenarios fit your life, find someone who perhaps is elderly that maybe will not hear anyone say “I love you or I appreciate you” today and let them know how loved they are.

Moms, today we honor you and we love you!  Thank you for everything you have done and that you do for us on a daily basis. 

Do something to make a difference in the life of a Mom today.

                                                Bradley Shotts