I accepted Jesus into my life at sixteen. Because of God’s awesome love and mercy, my passion was to represent Him wherever I could. Because Christ took on the role of a servant, I started looking for opportunities to serve. 

Often I would spend my Saturdays cleaning and straightening the church for Sunday services. Then, after church, I would remain, picking up trash, placing church hymnals back in their holders, locking doors and turning off lights. After a few months, the pastor saw my passion and invited me to teach the junior boy’s class. A short time  later, he asked me to serve as youth pastor. These were some of the most enjoyable seasons of my life. 

Pressing the pause button, I want to say that much of my spiritual growth was attributed to an amazing mentor. All of us need accountability in our lives. I can’t recall a day he wasn’t there for me.  Consequently I am convinced that today’s great leaders had a great mentor in their life. 

For me, my mentor was my pastor. He shared his faith by the lifestyle he lived . He would never close out a visit without his unique salutation, “Keep looking up!” Later in life, those words  would serve as a spiritual compass, encouraging me to look to God for direction in life. 

One evening, my friend and I decided to spend an evening in prayer at the church. Around three a.m. God spoke to our hearts, confirming our call into full time ministry. Within  a few weeks we began moving towards that goal, preaching wherever we were asked.  

During this time my mentor played an ongoing role, often calling his friends in ministry, asking them to consider inviting us to speak. Within a few months, God sent an amazing opportunity our way. Our pastor received a call from a church in Los Angeles wanting to schedule us for a Sunday evening service. 

Two weeks later we loaded our forty-nine Ford Coupe with the basics and headed south to Los Angeles.  When we arrived, our wealth had diminished to thirty-three cents which was enough to purchase two gallons of gasoline with a little left-over. After changing clothes and freshening up, we arrived at the church as Sunday school was in progress. 

During those days, the church’s parsonage was usually  next door to the church.  Because we were hungry and, presumably,  invited we respectively went in and ate the breakfast leftovers; Cold eggs and pancakes never tasted so good!

Around noon, as the service was dismissing, we were waiting for our opportunity to make a good impression. Then it came as the pastor was walking to his car. My friend and I quickly crossed the parking lot to meet him. 


After formal greetings with hugs, we said: “Well, Pastor, we believe God is going to use us this evening!” We could almost see a huge question mark rise above his head. Pausing a moment he said, “Boys, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” So, again, we went through our rehearsed spill. Pausing again, he replied “I vaguely remember the call, but it was never confirmed. I am so sorry but tonight’s service is already set.” With our heads spinning we were embarrassed and disappointed. We had traveled 300 miles, spending almost all of what little money we had to come to this church.

The pastor, probably sensing our disappointment, said, “But, why don’t you fellas have lunch with us?” With forced smiles, we replied “Sure”  and  requested that we be considered for another time to speak. Our request wasn’t responded to. 


We accepted his invitation to lunch, however (maybe due to the surprise of the cancellation), we were under the naive impression that the pastor was buying our meal. All that changed when the pastor told the server that we would be on separate checks. 


We were now experiencing complete embarrassment! Slowly, the server moved towards us to take our order. I whispered to my friend that we needed to excuse ourselves and run.  My friend responded “Hold on Jim, I have a plan. Look at what’s on the table.” I responded, “What?” He said “Our meal. Jim, just follow my lead, okay?” 

Like a lamb to the slaughter I obliged. When the server asked for our orders, my friend said: “May I have a large bowl of hot water?” I followed suit, saying that I ‘d have the same. 

Reluctantly, she took the order and returning shortly with two huge bowls of water. Like an experienced chef, my friend went into action, retrieving crackers, ketchup, and hot sauce from the surrounding tables.

He then proceeded to mix them together in the bowl of water and voilà! Instant tomato soup! Together (all things considered), we enjoyed a wonderful hot meal! We finished it off quickly and excused ourselves. 

As we were moving towards the car, we started laughing till we cried. That much-needed laughter was cut short when reality set in. We barely had a cent to our name and nowhere to stay for the night. Then there was dead silence.  It’s times like this where it’s easy to feel you’ve missed it completely. But God’s plan never misses the mark.   

My friend then spoke, saying he had met a young lady at a church conference who lived in the area and possibly her parents could put us up for the evening. Because I wasn’t the one making the call, I encouraged him saying “Go for it” and “What can we lose?” 

He went to the payphone investing one-third of our remaining wealth in the call, knowing that if this didn’t work, we would be spending the night in the car. He exited the booth smiling exclaiming that after he explained our situation, her parents said it was ok!

Within thirty minutes we were at their house where her father and mother graciously welcomed us. They showed us to our room, saying supper would be ready in about an hour and invited us to attend the Sunday night service with them.

That evening we were introduced to their pastor. After the service, the pastor asked if we would stay in town and speak the following Wednesday. Without reservation we accepted. That evening God showed up, moving in a special and mighty way and the pastor asked if we would stay in town a few more days to speak during the Sunday morning service.  We graciously accepted. 

It was at that time our ministry significantly changed!  We began receiving invitations all throughout the Los Angeles area! I have often wondered where I would be today if I had given up and walked away when everything seemed like it was falling apart.

During this time, I learned many wonderful lessons. Remember, whenever God invites us to partner with Him, He clears a path for the journey.

I’m reminded of about two thousand years ago when Jesus ministry was launched. It was at a supper where he turned water into wine. In my life it was at lunch when He turned water into a meal for two young men who  were in desperate need of a miracle.


 Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans and thoughts I have for you, says the Lord. Plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster; To give you a future and a hope.

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