Dr. Paul Powell

With Dr. Paul Powell
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Pastors are supposed to be leaders.  But where does one hone this skill past formal training for the pastorate?  Dr. Powell is well-equipped to diffuse this mystery for anyone in the on-going ministry.  Without a vision, a leader may lose his way in the ongoing maze of daily church responsibilities.  Come to be challenged and encouraged.

Paul Powell is a familiar face in Tyler.  For 17 years he was the senior pastor at Green Acres Baptist Church.  More recently, he was the interim pastor at First Baptist Church in downtown Tyler.

He is the Dean Emeritus of the George W. Truett Seminary in Waco, and served with the Baptist General Convention of Texas, including a term as president from 1985-87.  He has pastored churches in Belfalls, Troy, Taylor, and San Marcos.  As interim he has served Park Cities Baptist in Dallas and Travis Avenue Baptist in Ft. Worth.

Dr. Powell holds degrees from Baylor University and Southwestern Seminary, and was chosen as an outstanding alumnus of both.  He holds honorary doctorates from East Texas Baptist University, Baylor University, Mary-Hardin Baylor University, Campbell University, and Dallas Baptist University.  He is the author of 43 books.

He and his wife, Kathy have been married for 55 years, and live in Tyler.  They have three children and three grandchildren.

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